It's a Girl!

Since ultrasound images are notoriously difficult to distinguish, here's a clearer picture of the position she's in:

Like her father, Sprout is not a morning person and was very comfortable laying around in the womb with her knees firmly pressed together. Dr. McLaren moved the transducer around my belly pointing out an arm here, a femur there, the four chambers of the heart. In some cases I could pick out the body part he was talking about, but you could've thrown up a radar of a weather system and I wouldn't have known the difference. Finally towards the end of the screening, he focused on a particularly cloudy blob and announced that we were having a girl. Rodney's eyes got that shiny look and we grinned at each other. A girl! And from what he could see, a healthy one, too, Dr. McLaren informed us. Yay!
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