Like a Virgin (Drink, That Is)
Oh sure there's your Shirley Temple (nice if you're 12) or virgin daiquiries (really, only appropriate at TexMex restaurants), but I needed a slightly sophisticated virgin drink to quaff during happy hour.
"How about a virgin Manhattan?" my co-worker suggested.
My ears perked up. Manhattans are my drink of choice. But how do you fake blended whiskey and sweet vermouth? The truth is you can't, but here's a recipe I found online. It looks enough like a real drink that when the server placed it in front of me, my co-worker gave me a wide, incredulous look and said somewhat breathlessly, "You ordered a drink?!"
"Oh it's a virgin," I told her.
Ironic, though, I thought, patting my belly, that I'm drinking one because I'm not.
Virgin Manhattan
1/4 cup cranberry juice
1/4 cup orange juice
1/2 tsp cherry juice
1/4 tsp lemon juice
1 - 2 dashes orange bitters
Garnish with a cherry.
Tired of water with lemon? Try these resources or leave one of your own!