23 April 2008

Vital Stats: 9 Months

Weight: 20 lb. 6 oz. (80th percentile)
Height: 28.5 inches (80th percentile)
Head circumference: 18 inches (85th percentile)

As Papa says, Zora has officially spent more time outside "the clink" than inside!

20 April 2008

I Heart Cheerios

Scene: Post lunch in the high chair. Zora has garden vegetable puree smeared across her cheeks and chin and paws. There are Cheerios everywhere.

Rodney (brandishing a diaper wipe): Zora.

Zora studiously ignores him and palms a few Cheerios.

Rodney: Zooraa!

Then, lightening quick, he strikes like a bird of prey wiping the melange of veggies from her face. Zora scowls and shakes her head from side to side. Next he tackles the paws, which are balled up into two pink defiant fists.

Rodney: Zora, open your hands.

No luck. He tries to pry them open.

Rodney: Kiddo, release your kung-fu grip!

Zora (in an apparent homage to the late Charleton Heston): Out of my cold, dead hands!

But Daddy triumphs and unfurls her little fingers. Two Cheerios pop out, one for each fist.

14 April 2008

What a Difference a Year Makes

This is what I looked like in April 2007..

And this is who I have a year later...

She's definitely worth the wait!

12 April 2008

Looking for a "Yes" in a World of "No"

Zora looks up at me with her large, brown eyes.

--Can I put the electrical cord in my mouth?

We walk a little further. She pauses to inspect the gentle blue glow coming from our signal booster. The short blunt antennae could be tasty.

--Can I taste that?
--No, baby girl.

Drat. We move on. A plate full of river stones with a few candles nestled among them. Zora starts panting and wobbles quickly towards the candlescape.

--No, no.

I steer her towards a stack of colorful blocks. She plops down on her generous baby behind and checks in with me one more time.

