27 August 2008

Don't Be Shy: Take a Peek

Although not nearly as compelling as the contents of our fridge -- at least not according to Zora -- our newly updated web album is ready for your viewing pleasure, featuring photos since March 2008.

Really, with one parent a web project manager and the other a technical support guru, what took so long? I'll give you a hint: she's got copper penny red hair and takes up a lot of our time...

BTW, our old album is still available.

13 August 2008

Vocabulary List -- 12 Months

Mama ma ma: Mama or Mama, I want that.

Ba ba ba ba: Bottle

Da da da da: Daddy

Ut-oh: I dropped something (by accident or on purpose)

Beebee: Baby

Mmmm: Moo

A Rickshaw Built for Two

The only way to deal with a one-year-old on the verge of walking is with 5-point restraints. While straight jackets aren't en vogue, sporty baby trailers are. Luckily our good friends Jodi, Tony, and Will have one. Last Sunday we strapped the babies in and pedaled over to Gravelly Point and then onto Georgetown to refuel with pizza and beer -- a diet that I'm sure sustained the Tour de France competitors.

Yes, the babies kinda look like Rick Moranis from Spaceballs.

When you eat out with a baby, you spend a lot of time walking the baby and about two seconds eating.

Zora is SO over the rickshaw.

It doesn't help that her seatmate passed out on the way home. Some date.