31 July 2007

Can You Believe I'm One Week Old?!

Neither can we. Lil' Z, as Uncle Kevin has dubbed her, continues to be a good eater. At her first doctor's appointment, she weighed one ounce more than she did at birth--very rare since most babies lose a few ounces.

Zora continues to be very patient with her parents as they learn what's involved in taking care of her. Sometimes Mommy mistakes the "I'm hungry" cry for the "change my poopy diaper cry" but all in all, parent training is going well.

And sometimes, as you can see, being newbie parents can be plain tiring! If anything, we're learning the fine art of napping.

28 July 2007

Introducing Zora Kathryn Young!

Our sweet Zora Kathryn Young was born at 8:31 p.m. on Sunday, July 22. At 8 lbs. and 20 1/2 inches, she's what our post-partum doula calls "a meaty girl."